Pentesting is designed to find a path to the valuable data inside your organization. It is important, but it's not the only thing. Vulnerability analysis is for finding all of the potential flaws in an application. In pentesting, the requirements are very specific, but the scope is very broad. In vulnerability analysis, the requirements are far broader, but the scope consists of one single application.
Spending time educating developers about security is the single best way to build a bridge between development and infosec. POINT brings live, in-person training for both security awareness and secure coding to your facility. Security awareness training includes live looks and labs for attacking web applications. Securee coding can be customized to a number of platforms, and it is based on our Secure Coding Guide.
Audits and training will only get you so far. At some point, secure code has to be written, and a secure application development lifecycle is key to providing an environment for writing secure code. POINT has an established pattern to help your company create that environment for your developers, and will help you implement it.
Application Security is our core competency. We entely focus on the improvement of secure coding practices. Some of the projects we have completed recently include:
Contact POINT now to discuss your specific needs.